Despina Aeraki (creative direction/ designer)
Harry Tzannis (copywriter)
Despina Bournele (gift construction)
We invite you. - Monsa Ediciones, 2012
ΕΒΓΕ! - Graphopress, 2012
The concept was based on the fact that the family of four was already sharing love for quite some time. The key object of the invitation was a small candle representing the flame of family love. Around the candle we designed precut family figures holding hands. Each figure had heart-shaped windows where the candlelight could pass through. The invitation box contained also instructions for placing the pieces together properly, as well as a red heart-shaped sticker for guests’ wishes.
The wedding/christening favor was a paper-cut baby cube with the first four letters of the Greek alphabet on it (Α, Β, Γ, Δ), which happened to be the name initials of the family members. The symbolic gift to the guests was a family design made of plexiglas attached to a red heart.
For the wedding ceremony, we printed special paper horns where small paper hearts were mixing up with rice. For the party we created a special frame where guests could add the heart stickers found in the invitation with their wishes written on them.
The project was more like an interactive game, starting from the moment the guests would open the invitation box up to the moment they would dance, drink, laugh and add their wishes on the family-shaped frame.